Horsham Green Spaces - Privacy Policy

Information we collect about you:

We collect personal information from you when you or your organisation enquire about our activities, register with us or subscribe to one of our services. This may include your name, title, email address, physical address, telephone numbers and job title where relevant to our activities (such as if you are Chairman of an organisation). We rely upon your consent to the processing of data and this may be withdrawn at any time.

Use of your data:

Your personal information will only be used to:

  • process your requests, to provide you with our services, and to provide you with information relating to our services and all other services in which we think you may be interested;

  • to send you updates and newsletters, to seek your views and to invite you to participate in Horsham Green Spaces activities; and

  • to participate in our projects or to consult you.

Third party processors

We limit the transfer of personal data and this is kept within the HGS committee. We share your data with the following third parties to process your data:

  • Mailer Lite

  • Google Drive

  • SquareSpace

We will not provide your details to other organisations, statutory bodies, or members of the public without your consent or to process the data for the uses listed above.

To protect privacy and keep data secure:

We will take reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of information you give us.
For ease of use and compatibility, communications (other than payments where applicable) will not be sent in an encrypted form unless you require it and provide the certification to enable us to communicate with you in that way. E-mail unless encrypted is not a fully secure means of communication. Whilst we endeavour to keep our systems and communications protected against viruses and other harmful effects we cannot bear responsibility for all communications being virus-free.

Rights in respect of your data:

  • You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information by emailing us at horshamgreenspaces@gmail.com.

  • If you would like us to correct or update any information, or you would like information deleted from our records,

    then please email us at horshamgreenspaces@gmail.com

How long we retain your data

We will hold your data only while we have your ongoing consent.

How to complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at horshamgreenspaces@gmail.com.
You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time, so we ask you to check it periodically.